MEERKAT MANOR, a television series now in its third year (with 2 more seasons contracted) following the fortunes of a group of Meerkats, has recently attracted sensational viewing figures. So much so that the BBC Natural History Unit that created Blue Planet and Planet Earth is producing a full-length feature film.The series follows a group involved in life-or-death struggles, just like a soap opera.To tie in with the success of the television series and the publicity which will accrue from worldwide release of the film the originator of the Meerkat research project, Tim Clutton-Brock, has written an engaging and informative book about these animals and what his research tells us about their world, a world which appears to mirror our own but is in fact driven by the sometimes savage instincts of self-interest and survival.


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Meerkat Manor: Flower Of The Kalahari
Original price was: $81.00.Current price is: $8.00.

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