Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1 Let’s Explore! Different types of lakes Lake Superior Lake Huron Lake Erie Lake Ontario Lake Michigan Chapter 2 Lakes are Amazing! Dead Sea – Jordan Lake Saiima – Finland Caspian Sea Chapter 3 More Fun facts! Conclusion: Author Bio Author Bio Publisher Introduction All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was Toni Morrison *** Lakes: Lakes are beautiful bodies of water found on earth. They are fun to explore and fun to learn about. Lots of interesting creatures live in lakes and you can find cool plants that live around them too. What do you know about lakes? Have you ever visited or explored one? Let’s learn more! Lakes have been around for a very long time and there are many different kinds. Did you know some lakes are formed when Volcanoes explode? Some are formed when glaciers melt, and some are born when underground plates called “tectonic plates” move around! If you think of a lake what shape comes to your mind? Did you think of a circle or something like a circle? In the case of a lake, this shape is called a basin and they look like a big bowl of water! Lakes are all over the planet, in all shapes and sizes. National Geographic estimates the earth has several million. That’s a lot of lakes! Can you guess where lakes might be found? All the continents in the World have lakes.


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