See attachments: NEW means not included in Iconographia Mendeliana 1965 First. (NEW. Ceiling painting in Mendels reception room showing an angel plowing the field.) Mendel on the crossroad. Leaving his home country. His peasant origin. The only son and heir of the estate. Gifted boy of impaired health. Progressive forebears. Exceptional influence of teachers. Second. (Ceiling painting in Mendels reception room showing the parish church tower and two persons grafting trees.) Baptism. Entry in the church register. Birth certificate issued by Father Schreiber. Father Schreiber, humanist, priest, Mendels teacher and fruit tree improver. Third. (NEW. Autobiography in Mendels hand. ) Elementary school in Hyncice, main school in Lipnk, Gymnasium in Opava, Institute of Philosophy in Olomouc. Futile attempts at making his living as a teacher. Application to the Augustinian monastery in Old Brno. Fourth. (Ceiling painting in Mendels reception room showing pyramids, meteorological instruments, thermometer and maps.) Founding member of the Austrian Society for Meteorology and Earth Magnetism in Vienna. Expert in meteorology of the Nature Research Society in Brno. His meteorological publications. Fifth. (Ceiling painting in Mendels reception room showing the beehives.) Beekeeper. Founder of the bee-house in the monastic orchard. Experimenter with the controlled mating of the bee queen with selected drones in confinement. Participant of the apiculture congress in Kiel. Chief figure in the Brno Beekeepers Society. Journal Die Honigbiene von Brunn. References to Mendels experimental work in acclimatization of bees in Russian and German specialized journals. Sixth. (Four ceiling paintings in the library showing assemblages of plants.) Flores amavit. His experiments with peas and other plants. Mendels lectures on pea hybrids. Echoes in the newspapers. Printed lecture on peas. Printed lecture on hawkweed. Seventh. (Two ceiling paintings in the library depicting collections of apples, pears, plums and vine grapes. Mendels activity in the Section of Fruit Tree Growing, Vine Improvement and Gardening in the Moravian and Silesian Agriculture Association in Brno. Instigation to his research in plant hybrids. Certified examiner of fruit tree growing of the Agriculture Association. Co-organizer of flower exhibitions in Brno. Eight. (Ceiling painting in the library ceiling showing his personal emblem). One field of the coat of arms shows his relationship to free masons. Ninth. (Reproductions of death certificate and death announcement.) All official positions of Mendel listed on the occasion of his death. Obituary notices. Farewell letters. Loneliness and passing. Tenth. (Two ceiling paintings in Mendels reception room showing portraits of St. Augustin and St.Monica.) Study of theology. Eleventh. (Reproduction of the critical handwritten visitation report by the Brno Bishop.. NEW) Mendelis mentioned as a student of profane sciences. Teacher in the progressive gymnasium and Technical Institute taking initiatives contrary to the classical concept of education based on religion, philosophy and linguistics. Twelfth. Crystallization of the body of dissenters and Mendels colleagues at the Brno progressive school. The Comthur Cross for Mendels voting to the German Liberal Party in 1871 election as the only abbot in the monarchy. Thirteenth. The Agriculture Association in the Museum of Moravia in Brno Fourteenth. Mendel and Brno: 40 years of life


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Gregor Mendel – The Scientist: Based on Primary Sources 1822-1884 (Springer Biographies)
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