

A Marijuana Man a Dealer’s Diary, Marth Munro, 9780999635506

Author: Marth Munro
SKU: 9780999635506 Category: Tag: Product ID: 104540


The mythical story of Max Gold, begins in the early sixties against the background of various progressive political movements, Civil Rights, Equal Rights, the war in Viet Nam and the growing movement that spread nation wide on college campuse, the Brotherhood of Smoke,cannabis smoke that is. And Max was at the proverbial right place at the right time, with enough chutzpah and entrepreneurial ambition to become a Marijuana Man. The young student realizes the economical potential of the magic green weed. First selling two dollar joints then 5 dollar match boxes,t then the ounce, and the lid was to be his bread and butter. Until fate moved him to the big time of tonage. Along the way he juggles having a legitimate buisness and a personal life.Max must struggle with deep moral issues as his journey forces him to face betrayal, arrest, and even death. So find yourself a comfortable place to sit or lay, light up if your a mind to and journey back in time when gas was cheap, love free, and the of best rock and roll that was ever born. This is Max’s story but maybe a little bit yours. This nararator was educated and took his life lessons in the Dallas area during the 50’s and 60’s . A story teller by nature he used this skill to entertain , friends and then customers as a salesman. “It never hurt to put my potental clients at ease with a little story before we got down to business of the call. ” Steve’s first public recognition came in 1993 when he won first place in The Texas Champion Liars Contest at the State Fair of Texas. The 70 year old widower can still be seen performing stand-up storytelling at verious venues through out the Dallas Metroplex.

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