

A.S.P.I.R.E. to Ethics: An Analytical Approach to Solving Ethical Dilemmas, Jacobs, Heidi Hayes, 9781792407048


While no book can magically turn a morally bankrupt individual into a paragon of ethical virtue, this text provides the tools to improve decision-making and formulate the best ethical responses to issues that will arise throughout an individual’s career. The acronym ASPIRE encompasses a step by step guide to ensure a thorough examination of issues. It is impossible to cover every scenario that will arise in the course of a career, but understanding the elements that must be considered when confronted with a problem allows an individual to be ready for any dilemma. This book will help individuals examine their own beliefs to assist them in self-actualization. Once the method has been explained in depth, numerous scenarios are explored using the ASPIRE method. What is the best ethical response when seeing a friend stepping out on their spouse? Or what are the viable alternatives when offered a high paying job that condones unethical behavior? The method presented will change for the better how people view future dilemmas, both professionally and personally.

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