

Applied Drama: A Facilitator’s Handbook for Working in Community, Lorenzo Emmi, 9781841507408

Author: Lorenzo Emmi


Applied drama is pedagogical practice and this book is written by authors with a great depth of experience in teaching and learning. Both authors write for teachers, such that the writing is accessible and can be translated immediately into action. Both authors have theatre backgrounds that allow them to move easily from theatre-based to community-based practice. “Applied Drama”, a companion to Intellect’s award-winning “Applied Theatre”, fulfills the need for an introductory handbook for facilitators and teaching artists working with the dramatic process in diverse community settings. The authors distill the best practices to transfer into the settings within which these applied drama projects occur. Crafted for use in schools, classrooms, community groups, healthcare organizations, and all manner of social institutions, this book aids practitioners in developing and honing the skills needed to serve these communities.

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