

Best in Class: Etiquette and People Skills for Your Career, Achtenhagen Frank, 9781524973438


Etiquette Matters in Business Research conducted by the Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation and Stanford Research Center reveals that: “”Technical skills and knowledge account for only 15% of the reason and individual gets, keeps, or moves up in a job. 85% of job success depends on people skills.”” People Skills help and organization function smoothly and its employees establish interactions with other professionals and the general public. Add the knowledge of global business etiquette to the mix, and the company will stand out above its competition. When selecting new hires, companies look for both technical and people skills. The most sought-after people skills are professionalism, business etiquette, written and oral communication, interpersonal skills, and leadership. Today, behavioral scientists can actually measure these high-performance capabilities through cutting-edge analytics and they can be identified in the selection process. When you know how to write an e-mail that gets a response (Chapter 2), introduce others with confidence (Chapter 1), offer you opinions at a meeting (Chapter 3), or navigate your way through a business meal (Chapter 4), you’ll gain the respect of colleagues and those you can influence your career path. You can be a whiz at artificial intelligence, quantum computing, serverless architecture, or self-service analytics, but remember – it’s still people who matter in business.

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