

Budget and Financial Reports, Royal Society, 9781530998593

SKU: 9781530998593 Category: Tag: Product ID: 32172


Everyday businesses deal with budgets and financial reports in some form or fashion. At minimum, business managers review budget numbers and run financial reports for decision-making and reporting to shareholders and Federal regulators once a month. Many companies devote the last few months of the calendar year to creating budgets for the next calendar year. In addition, organizations create and disseminate year-end financial reports to investors. The goal of this book is to give you a basic understanding of budgets and financial reports so they can hold relevant discussions and render decisions based on financial data. This book will define key terms like ROI, EBIT, GAAP, and extrapolation. Furthermore, this will discuss commonly used financial terms, financial statements, budgets, forecasting, purchasing decisions, and laws that regulate the handling of financial information.

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