

Care in Education: Teaching with Understanding and Compassion (Routledge Research in Education), Baiza, Yahia, 9780415628310

Author: Baiza, Yahia


This book examines the significance of care in education by shedding light on the invisible work of care in the day-to-day lives of teachers. Sandra Wilde weaves a philosophical commentary that explores the meaning of care in education, acknowledging its value and illustrating how it can be sustained in teaching practice. This book draws upon Western and Eastern philosophies that envision an integrated image of care: the understanding that care is an essential aspect of being human, that everything, from the most highly technical to the most nurturing, can be done with care. This book is based on philosophical assumptions that address the important connection between present moment awareness and appropriate action, highlighting a crucial aspect of pedagogical practice. Stories from teachers experiences demonstrate how the practice of listening and attending can give rise to compassionate and appropriate responses that can have far reaching implications for students. This book shares teachers honest comments on the difficulties, complexities and joys of teaching. In listening to them, Sandra Wilde reminds us of the tragic conflict between the work of teachers and aspects of the dominant public discourse of schooling. Yet this book offers a vision of practice that has the potential to re-enliven and strengthen care even in the midst of these difficulties. This book calls teachers into intentional action, reconnecting them with the great ethical purposes of education and their own deep hopes as educators.

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