

Children with Cancer: Mainstreaming and Reintegration, Jan van Eys, 9789401167000

Author: Jan van Eys


Probably no two topics have generated more workshops, con ferences, and lectures in medicine and education than the chron ically ill child and the mandate of Public Law 94-142. In spite of the numerous examinations of these topics there has never been a serious dialogue between medical professionals and educators with the child as the focus. These proceedings represent such a unique event. The paradigm of the medically exceptional child is the child with cancer, a child with a life-threatening illness, but also a child with a high probability of being cured of this acute disease. Such a cure is purchased at a cost of late sequelae of disease and treat ment alike. There is prejudice against this child. There is overt physical exceptionality. Therefore, the Fifth Annual Mental Health Conference of The University of Texas System Cancer Center, Department of Pediatrics, was a stimulus to generate this dialogue. When two nationally recognized giants in their respective fields, The University of Texas System Cancer Center and the Houston Independent School District, address a problem, the result transcends local concern. This conference goes far beyond the problem of the child with cancer to deal with all medically exceptional children. The focus on the needs and expectations for the child makes this workshop universal in application. Workshop Introductions.- For The University of Texas System Cancer Center.- For the Houston Independent School District.- Section I: Setting the Tone.- 1. Reintegration of the Medically Exceptional Child.- 2. Good Intentions Become Imperfect in an Imperfect World.- Section II: The Reality.- 3. The Right to Education for Handicapped Children.- 4. Reintegration of the Handicapped.- 5. The Reality of Reintegration of the Medically Exceptional Child-A Legal Viewpoint.- 6. The Reality in Psychosocial Focus.- 7. Psychosocial Factors in Reintegration.- Section III: The Problem.- 8. School as the Arena for Resocialization.- 9. The Teacher as Parent, The Parent as Teacher-One Special Case.- 10. Searching for More Understanding for the Child-Observations of a Parent.- 11. The Hidden Handicap.- 12. The Problem as Experienced by Teachers.- 13. Why Teachers? The Reminiscences of a Discussion Leader as Parent.- Section IV: The Solution.- 14. The Child is the Consumer.- 15. Changing the World Is Not the Best Solution.- Discussion Summaries.- 16. The Impact of the Handicapped.- 17. Modulating Public Opinion.- Section V: Closure.- 18. Cooperation Through Understanding of Needs and Perceptions.- 19. Closure.- 20. Postscript-Perspectives of the Convener.

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