

Conscientization and the Cultivation of Conscience (Education and Struggle), Hans Smits, 9781433125423

Author: Hans Smits


Conscientization and the Cultivation of Conscience constitutes a major contribution to the international literature on the work of Paulo Freire, one of the most influential educationalists of all time. It provides a fresh perspective on the Freirean notion of conscientization, rethinking this pivotal concept in the light of the history of ideas on conscience. The author offers a holistic, philosophical reading of Freire’s texts and argues for the cultivation of conscience through love and dialogue. Such a reading, he suggests, allows us to better respond to the moral crises that face us in the age of global capitalism. The ideas advanced in this book have important implications for philosophical and cultural understanding and for educational theory and practice. Keqi (David) Liu received his M.Ed. with distinction and his PhD in education from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. He now teaches philosophy of education and moral education at Lingnan Normal University in China.

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