

Developmental Perspectives on Children With High-incidence Disabilities (LEA Series on Special Education and Disability The), Anne McKeough, 9780805828252


This volume has two purposes. The first is to summarize, substantiate and extend current knowledge on the development of children with high incidence disabilities – most notably, learning disabilities, behavioural disorders and mild mental retardation. The second purpose is to honour the career of Professor Barbara K. Keogh and her contributions to the developmental study of children with high incidence disabilities. In conceiving this volume, the editors sought to represent the topics, problems and issues to which Keogh devoted herself. They invited chapters that summarize what is known about the high incidence handicapping conditions which her research has mainly addressed, and sought to reflect the probing, questioning style that she brings to her own work. This volume is of use to scholars, policymakers and graduate students in special education and associated disciplines disabilities.

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