

Early Childhood Care and Education: International Perspectives, Archer, Louise, 9780415383684


Early Childhood Care and Education is central to the lives of every family with young children. This insightful book investigates the unique approaches taken by different Countries to key issues such as; parental leave, childcare, and preschool services. By examining all of these options and the evidence around them, the authors are able to explain how best to provide for young children. Nine countries, including, China, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, New Zealand, Sweden, UK and the USA, are considered. These countries all have very different policies and provision, and this book examines the ways that these countries are tackling early childhood services and how these services affect young children’s experiences and development, for better and worse. The book will answer some of the recurring questions of childcare provision: How does a country cope with families’ childcare needs? Is daycare detrimental to children? Does quality of childcare matter? Does childcare affect children with different home backgrounds differently? How can we best organize parental leave, employment regulations and childcare provision? This book fills a gap in providing up-to-date information in an area where rapid developments are underway and further changes are being considered. We need to better plan the future of early childhood services and preschool education in relation to children’s development, as well as parental employment regulations. Through presenting the situation in various countries and allowing the comparison ofalternative approaches, each reader would be able to see new possibilities that transcend the limited experience offered within their own country. Early Childhood Care and Education is an essential read for anyone interested in both the future and alternative approaches to childhood services and pre-school education.

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