

Early Reading Instruction: What Science Really Tells Us About How to Teach Reading (Bradford Book S.), Cohen, Louis, 9780262633352

Author: Cohen, Louis


This title proposes a solution to the “reading war”: a prototype for the most effective reading instruction, based on paleographic findings and current research. “Early Reading Instruction” is a comprehensive analysis of the research evidence from early writing systems to computer models of reading. In this book, Diane McGuinness provides an innovative solution to the “reading war” – the century-old debate over the efficacy of phonics (sound-based) versus whole-word (meaning-based) methods. She has developed a prototype – a set of elements that are critical to the success of a reading method. McGuinness shows that all writing systems, without exception, are based on a sound unit in the language. This fact, and other findings by paleographers, provides a platform for the prototype. Other elements of the prototype are based on modern research. For example, observational studies in the classroom show that time spent on three activities strongly predicts reading success: learning phoneme/symbol correspondences, practice at blending and segmenting phonemes in words, and copying/writing words, phrases, and sentences. The National Reading Panel (2000) summarised the research on reading methods after screening out thousands of studies that failed to meet minimum scientific standards. In an in-depth analysis of this evidence, McGuinness shows that the most successful methods (children reading a year or more above age norms) include all the elements in the prototype. Finally, she argues, because phonics-type methods are consistently shown to be superior to whole-word methods in studies dating back to the 1960s, it makes no sense to continue this line of research. The most urgent question for future research is how to get the most effective phonics programs into the classroom.

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