

Effect of Vata Gajankusha Rasa in Rat Sciatic Nerve Crush Injury: Validating Ayurveda through Scientific methods, Ivan Mattsson, 9781684944293


Peripheral nerve injury is common and often results in significant disability to patients. This study aims at establishing the effect of an Ayurveda drug Vata gajankusha rasa in peripheral nerve regeneration using scientific methods. Surgical sciatic nerve axonotmesis was created in Wistar rats and treated with Vata gajankusha rasa for six weeks. Treated animals showed both motor and sensory functional recovery earlier than the untreated animals. Vata gajankusha rasa treated animals’ sciatic nerves had thicker myelin sheath and increased fibre density. This study substantiates the beneficial impact of Vata gajankusha rasa on peripheral nerve regeneration.

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