

Efficient Logistics and Supply Chain Management Systems: Efficient Systems within the Globe And Direct Delivery for Effective Globalization, Lenka Knoetze, 9781725729681


Efficient logistics and Supply Chain Management systems are essential topic or matter of consideration when companies consider competitive advantages in a global market. This project investigated the concept of logistics and effective SCM in terms of globalization. The thesis concentrated on the existing SCM conditions, the challenges faced by the multinational organization, and the technologies or innovations used by companies to remain relevant in a dynamic global market. The thesis incorporated empirical findings and field studies as a basis of demystifying how the procedures of supply chain work effectively in globalization environment for competitive advantages. The paper expounded on various issues and concepts of SCM logistics and demonstrated why successful multinational business remained competitive in this dynamic market. The thesis hypothesized that successful multinational corporations use efficient logistics and SCM Systems to distribute their products globally and use direct delivery for the effective business operation to remain competitive. The findings confirmed the hypothesis and the thesis concluded with a recommendation for a corporation to use effective logistics and SCM to become successful in a global market.

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