

Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education, Clive Kanes, 9789400749771

Author: Clive Kanes
SKU: 9789400749771 Category: Tag: Product ID: 32955


The Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education is a comprehensive reference text, covering every topic in the field with entries ranging from short descriptions to much longer pieces where the topic warrants more elaboration. The entries provide access to theories and to research in the area and refer to the leading publications for further reading. Links will also be made to particular texts in Springer journals and e-books through The Encyclopedia is aimed at graduate students, researchers, curriculum developers, policy makers, and others with interests in the field of mathematics education. It is planned to be 700 pages in length in its hard copy form but the text will subsequently be up-dated and developed on-line in a way that retains the integrity of the ideas, the responsibility for which will be in the hands of the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board. Wish to become an author? Springer’s Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education’s first edition was published in 2014. The Encyclopedia is a “living” project and will continue to accept articles online as part of an eventual second edition. Articles will be peer-reviewed in a timely manner and, if found acceptable, will be immediately published online. Suggested articles are, of course, welcome. Feel encouraged to think about additional topics that we overlooked the first time around, and to suggest colleagues (including yourself!) who will want to write them. Interested new authors should contact the editor in chief, Stephen Lerman, at, for more specific instructions and/or visit Editorial Board: Michele Artigue Ruhama Even Melony Graven Eva Jablonka Robyn Jorgensen Yoshinori Shimizu Bharath Sriraman Stephen Lerman is Professor of Mathematics Education and Deputy Director of the Centre for Research in Education at London South Bank University, England. His research interests include sociocultural theory, sociological perspectives of mathematics education, and classroom studies. He was lead researcher on an ESRC funded project to examine research publications over a 12 year period, part of which was to identify theories of learning adopted by researchers. He is coresearcher on an EU project called ABCMaths and on a project funded by the Australian Research Council working with remote indigenous schools in the north of Western Australia.

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