

Ethnobotany: A Modern Perspective, Elaine Miles, 9781524958442

SKU: 9781524958442 Category: Tag: Product ID: 11201


Ethnobotany: A Modern Perspective focuses on the indigenous plants and their impact on modern society. It discusses more than 260 plants that originated in different parts of the world and how they relate to human lives every day. This comprehensive text is built on the indigenous plants used around the world as food, beverage, medicine, narcotics, shelter, and clothing, along with their applications elsewhere. It refers to each plant by its common name, scientific name, and the family to which it belongs. Ethnobotany: A Modern Perspective features: an introduction to each chapter that ties in real world application. summary tables, world maps, and review questions. answers for each of the ten, open-ended concept questions given in each chapter. a glossary of all botanical terminology used throughout the text. Ethnobotany: A Modern Perspective: is designed for major/non-major courses in Ethnobotany, Plants and Humanities, Plants and People, Cultural Botany, Culinary Botany, or similar courses that focus on plants in human life. is student friendly! The text integrates line drawings, terminology, background botanical information, examples, tables or maps or, often both, along with review questions throughout. is interactive! A collection of original color photographs of the plants and their products are accessible on an accompanying website.

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