

Family Angels, Marc Brightman, 9781477275023

SKU: 9781477275023 Category: Tag: Product ID: 15441


Sarah’s friends have told her scary stories about cemeteries and she wants nothing to do with them. In “Family Angels,” Grandma shows her how they can be a great place to learn as she leads Sarah on a special adventure. As they stop to place flowers at each headstone, Sarah is told some ancestors traveled out west by covered wagons because there were no cars, some wrote letters because there were no phones and some even came across the ocean on a big ship. Sarah also learns she has many “Great” ancestors and everyone in her family “grows on trees.” She can’t wait to get to the next headstone so Grandma can tell her more. Based on a true story about the author’s relatives, “Family Angels” will draw children in with the history lessons and family tree basics that Grandma conveys. Children will discover cemeteries are places that make history come alive when they are told fun stories about past generations. They will start asking questions so they can learn about their own family angels.

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