

Financial Miseducation of the Poor and Middle Class: The Index Universal Life Umbrella, Karen Smith, 9781544136165

Author: Karen Smith


Based on historical facts, Dr. Cowell believes the wealthy (top 1%) are getting ready to take every penny the American people have and we will not see it coming. The Top 1% will accomplish their goals through using the government and controlling how policies and rules will be regulated and dictated. In Dr. Cowell’s book, he provides evidence using the power of the Index Universal Life Insurance Policy. This will be the financial tool to protect the poor and middle class. He believes that 98% of Americans today accept as truth that an insurance policy is only use for burial of their love ones. But the wealthy uses it to obtain and control their wealth. If we do not follow the forever changing rules to investments, we will become enslaved at a greater number than before!!! Debt has no color, age, or number!!! But the top 1% will use race, entertainment, television and political misunderstanding as distractions. Changing laws and regulations to remove the protective umbrella of the Constitution away from the American people by enslaving them through debt. You will be left to defend for yourselves. TIME Magazine Feature back in October 19, 2009: Why It’s Time to Retire the 401(k). Understand that the system is design to keep people in debt so that others with the financial powers can rule over them. Time for the American people to understand what the Rule of 72 and the power of using it to become debt free. Your Bottom Line starts here today. Financial education from Main Street to Wall Street protecting the next generation of poor and middleclass leaders to run our country for the people and by the people.

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