

FITSP Auditor Certification Exam ExamFOCUS Study Notes & Review Questions 2016/17 Edition, Richard L. Taylor, 9781535274685


Book updated Sept 2020. The Federal IT Security Professional FITSP Certification is being administered by the Federal IT Security Institute. Its mission is to help secure the nation’s federal information systems by certifying that federal workforce members understand and can apply appropriate federal IT security standards. The FITSP program is broken into the four separate roles, which are manager, operator, designer and auditor. This product covers the auditor version.The FITSP certification contents are based on the NIST/FISCAM material. These material cover knowledge that are the mainstream common standards in use today. Still, NIST/FISCAM specific topics are always of primary focus. When we develop our material we do not classify topics the BOK way. We follow our own flow of instructions which we think is more logical for the overall learning process. Don’t worry, it does not hurt to do so, as long as you truly comprehend the material. To succeed in the exam, you need to read as many reference books as possible. There is no single book that can cover everything! You also need to have real world experience. FOR THIS AUDITOR EXAM IN PARTICULAR, YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE THE EXAM UNLESS YOU HAVE REAL EXPERIENCE IN THE FIELD. This ExamFOCUS book focuses on the more difficult topics that will likely make a difference in exam results. The book is NOT intended to guide you through every single official topic. You should therefore use this book together with other reference books for the best possible preparation outcome.

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