

From Conflict to Conciliation: How to Defuse Difficult Situations, Tom Balchin, 9781412979863

Author: Tom Balchin


William Watson Purkey, EdD is professor emeritus of counselor education at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro and co-founder of The International Alliance for Invitational Education. A noted author, researcher, speaker, and leader, Dr. Purkey has authored nearly 100 articles and more than a dozen books. Preface Acknowledgments About the Authors 1. Conflict and the Six-C Process Introduction Research and Anecdotal Support What Is Unique About This Book? The Six-C Process The Conciliation Capstone Saving Time and Energy Conflict Is Inevitable The Use and Misuse of Power The Democratic Ideal Why Everyone Matters The Perceptual Tradition When Viewpoints Conflict Acceptance Versus Agreement Summary Major Themes 2. Concern Latent Concerns Actionable Concerns What Is a Concern? What Are Moral and Ethical Concerns? What Are Your Concerns? Potential Concerns at School Potential Concerns at Home Potential Concerns in the Community Summary Major Themes 3. Confer Setting the Stage for Conferring Can You Express Your Concern Clearly? Can You Look Beyond the Immediate Concern? Is There Room for Compromise or Re-Conceptualization? The Value of Seeking Commitment Helpful Communication Skills The 3+++wish? Formula Practicing the 3+++wish? Formula Handling Challenges Summary Major Themes 4. Consult Considering the Situation What Is a Consulting Relationship? Using a Triangular Structure Involving Others in a Consultation Sequential Steps for Consulting Practicing the Consulting Sequence Summary Major Themes 5. Confront Questions to Ask Yourself Difference Between Conflict and Confrontation Understanding Confrontation Adapting Constructive Confrontation Applying Practical Tips Major Themes 6. Combat Constraints on Combat The Use of Power Increasing Chances for a Desirable Outcome Taking a Stand Civilized Dissent Summary Major Themes 7. Conciliation and Beyond Conciliation After Combat Conciliation as a Reflective Process Beyond Conciliation Summary Major Themes References and Resources Index

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