

Ghana Our Beloved Country: Severe Human Factor Decay Our Achilles Heel, Sharon Coody Chp, 9781533498663


It is concluded in this first volume of the two-part series on Ghana that the primary source of Ghana’s hydra-headed problems is severe human factor decay-our Achilles Heel. Only in recognizing this truth can Ghanaians and others who come in to assist them commit to work together hand-in-hand to ensure the painful failures of the past are never repeated. Through our successes in this venture and effective teamwork, I have no doubt that we will become excellent sources of advancement in Ghana-working perennially harder to leave our desired legacy to the members of the generations that come after ours. As you read through this book, you will come to the understanding that any significant improvements Ghanaians make in their individual and their combined human factor qualities will guide them to successfully restart the engine of the perennially troubled and ailing Ghanaian Development Train. To succeed in doing so is to produce long term positive transformation in the Ghanaian quality of life.

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