

Global Competency: A Guide to Global and Cultural Training for Students, Teachers, Leaders, Business, and World Explorers, Karen Becker, 9780996696272

Author: Karen Becker


The purpose for this guidebook is to provide practical training for individuals wishing to become more globally competent, whether their reasons of interest are to create new intercultural relationships; to prepare for an upcoming trip, perhaps a holiday or vacation to a new country or culture; to offer academic or business training for students, teachers, employees, or leaders; to prepare personally for a new job; or to plan for a new training experience within a current job that will require interaction with, or work within, another country or culture. In this book the reader will find research from a literature review gathered from over two hundred and fifty publications and on-line resources written on the subject of Global Competency, including a study undertaken at the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford. The reader will also be introduced to a collection of personal cultural narratives provided by our international friends who are globally active and knowledgeable-CrossCultural Practicing Professionals-sharing their culture and personal experiences from their homelands or places of intense interactive research and involvement.

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