

History of Universities: Volume XXVIII/1 (History of Universities Series), Mordechai Feingold, 9780198726340


Volume XXVIII/1 of History of Universities contains the customary mix of learned articles and book reviews which makes this publication such an indispensable tool for the historian of higher education. Articles; Robert Black: Machiavelli at University, and the Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio; N.M. Swerdlow: Kepler’s Disputation on Copernicus’ Opinions; K.E. Attar: The Establishment of a First-Class University Library’: The Beginnings of the University of London Library; G.R. Evans: The Domestic Laws of Oxford and Cambridge: External Interference and Internal Interpretation; Review Essays; Kristine L. Haugen: Joseph Scaliger’s Letters: Collaborator, Teacher, Impresario; Massimo Ferrari: Late, but not too Late. Eugenio Garin’s History of Italian Philosophy; Reviews; B. B. Price: Spencer E. Young (ed.), Crossing Boundaries at Medieval Universities; Anja-Silvia Goeing: Karine Crousaz, L’Academie de Lausanne entre humanisme et Reforme (ca. 1537-1560); W. Bruce Leslie: W. Bruce Leslie, Andrew Jewett, Science, Democracy, and the American University: From the Civil War to the Cold War; Bibliography

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