

How to Study and Learn: Neurosciense, Psychology and Philosophy applied to Learning, Rick McGrath, 9786500276732


Neuroscience and psychology applied to learning. 4 Phases of Learning 6 Stages of Learning 16 Factors that affect Learning 32 Study tips and techniques This book is aimed to help people studying and learning efficiently. The content is based on Neuroscience, Psychology and Philosophy applied to learning. The language is simple, in order to attend a general, non-expert audience. —————- Content —- 1. To begin 2. Memories >> 2.1. Memory structures >> 2.2. Working memory >> 2.3. Long-term memory >> 2.4. Creating new memories >> 2.5. Recovering memories 3. The 4 learning phases >> 3.1. Overview >> 3.2. Acquisition >> 3.3. Structure and Organization >> 3.4. Storage >> 3.5. Recovery >> 3.6. Continuous and interactive process >> 3.7. The 6 learning stages 4. Acquisition 4.1. Overview >> 4.2. Relevant factors >> 4.3. Mental energy >> 4.4. Stimuli reception >> 4.5. Divided attention >> 4.6. Selective attention >> 4.7. Sustained attention >> 4.8. Focus of attention 5. Structure and organization >> 5.1. Overview >> 5.2. Relevant factors >> 5.3. Previous skills and knowledge >> 5.4. Information categorizing >> 5.5. Allocation capacity >> 5.6. Objective application >> 5.7. Content diversification 6. Storage >> 6.1. Overview >> 6.2. Relevant factors >> 6.3. Spaced repetition >> 6.4. Emotional charge >> 6.5. Sleep 7. Recovery >> 7.1. Overview >> 7.2. Relevant factors >> 7.3. Context >> 7.4. Emotional coherence 8. Putting it all together >> 8.1. Creating a study routine >> 8.2. Before starting to study >> 8.3. During the study and reviews >> 8.4. After studying >> 8.5. Recognizing and overcoming adversities >> 8. 6. Understanding the scope of the test >> 8.7. During the test 9. Conclusion and next steps 10. References

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