

I Thought I Was a Man But I Was a Boy, Ina Colta, 9781727430257

Author: Ina Colta
SKU: 9781727430257 Category: Tag: Product ID: 83732


This book is about a boy who became a man through trials and tribulations of life. When I began writing there was a need for my transparency so other men would understand what I was really feeling. I THOUGHT I WAS A MAN, BUT I WAS A BOY, illustrates how with all of the myths, and taboos we use to proclaim our manhood is the biggest trick of Satan plan in destroying us. I used Biblical truths told in a story form so when reading you can understand how that in Bible days there is no difference. I give the origin of life through Adam and how his failure shut us out from the presence of God. In addition when we look back at our beginnings we can see why our lives are in trouble. I compare the lives of men of the bible and how they are no different than the actions we have been involved presently. My life has grown through the power of God; He has given another chance of life through Him. Often I make mistakes, but Jesus paid the price for all my sins. Therefore I don’t walk in guilt because when I acknowledge what I have done, God is faithful and just to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. King David and Samson among others mention in this book show us that God chose fallible men to accomplish His work in this earth as we know it. God didn’t look for a perfect man, but a man that would be obedient to Him, and when that man would obey Him the blessings was innumerable. But when man refuse to obey God there are immeasurable consequences that follows regardless of who and what you think you are. Again I had to learn the hard way as some of you will have to. When the person depends upon his own strength to cope with present pressures and past rejections, the result is ultimately conflict and frustration. That is why the main scripture used in this book was: When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. No longer am I that boy who lacked understanding, but that man God created me to be through the acceptance of His gift of Jesus Christ.

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