

Individual Education Plans (IEPs): Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, Harry Daniels, 9781853465215


This book outlines effective IEP practice for pupils who exhibit emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD) and explores the purpose and effectiveness of IEPs by addressing the following issues: How can pupil behaviour be viewed holistically if targets are narrow and written in purely behaviourist terms? How can IEPs for EBD be designed so that parental involvement and pupil responsibility is fostered? Are IEPs effective in identifying the training needs of teachers for meeting non-curricular targets (Self esteem, self control, personal monitoring and organization, social behaviour, etc.)? How can outside agencies work collaboratively with school staff to support the meeting of agreed targets? What systems within school need to be developed to ensure that response to IEPs are monitored by all concerned from subject teachers, to mid-day supervisors?

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