

Integrating Quality and Values in Science Teaching, Mary Willi Berlinghieri, 9781006194351


Quality education to the great extent itself serves the aim and purposes of education and it is ultimately dependent on the quality of teaching because teaching is considered as the heart of education. But in the present time of endless competition the quality aspect is lagging behind.Hightower et al. (2011) claimed that teaching and school leadership are the two strongest factors responsible for student learning. Therefore, the present study aimed to integrate quality and values in the science teaching-learning process through the use of a self-constructed ten-dayorientation programme based on techno-psycho-axiological approach. The study was predominantly qualitative in nature thus employed Multi Case Study Method with Narrative Report writing-up style whereas in quantitative approach Quasi-Experimental Method with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design was used. The sample of the study utilized purposive sampling of four pupil-teachers of science teaching pedagogy and 133 secondary level students. Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol (RTOP) developed by Piburn and Sawada (2000) was used forqualitative assessment of teaching quality. Moreover, four self-constructed tools were also used viz. Values Assessment Scale, Teaching Values Observation Protocol, Teaching Values Interview Schedule and Teaching Quality Interview Schedule. Quantitative data were analyzedthrough Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. The results of the study revealed that the developed ten-day orientation programme based on techno-psycho-axiological approach was significantly effective in enhancing the quality level of science teaching process, integrating values in scienceteaching process, developing values among the students and increasing academic achievement of the students. This research suggests that technology of teaching and learning when combined with the principles of psychology and axiology can enhance the quality of teaching and help in integrating values in the teaching-learning process.

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