

Intellectual Resistance and the Struggle for Palestine: 2014, Val D. Rust, 9781349440931

Author: Val D. Rust


By positioning the late Edward Said’s political interventions as a public intellectual on behalf of Palestinian populations living under Israeli occupation as a form of intellectual resistance, Abraham moves to consider forms of physical resistance, seeking to better understand the motivations of those who choose to turn their bodies into weapons. Matthew Abraham is Associate Professor of English at the University of Arizona, USA. He is the co-editor of The Making of Barack Obama: The Politics of Persuasion (2013) and the special issue of Cultural Critique on ‘Edward Said and After: Toward a New Humanism’ (2007). Abraham was presented with the Rachel Corrie Courage in the Teaching of Writing Award in 2005 by The Special Interest Groups and Caucuses of the Conference on College Composition and Communication. Introduction 1. From Resistance to Accommodation: The Origins of the Policy Intellectual’s Alignment with the State 2. Edward Said and Intellectual Resistance: Refusing the Politics of Accommodation 3. Edward Said, the Question of Palestine, and the Continual Quest for Intellectual Freedom 4. Biopolitical Resistance in Palestine: Suicide Bombing and the Fanonian Specter 5. Obama’s Cairo Speech: The Failure of Resistance and Refusal Conclusion

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