

Interpreting in the Community and Workplace: A Practical Teaching Guide, Emily Lenning, 9780230285156


Literature on the assessment of interpreters has grown rapidly in the emerging field of Community- and Public Service Interpreting, but there is still very little practical training material available. Numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of using trained rather than ad-hoc interpreters. This educational tool for trainers in all fields of dialogue interpreting hopes to fill precisely that gap. Although the focus is on two key areas, the legal and health sectors, the book also includes business interpreting, which is a source of employment for many newly trained interpreters. It is thus an innovative and comprehensive teacher’s aide that can be applied to a wide range of dialogue settings. The book discusses a number of theoretical and practical issues. One chapter is entirely devoted to classroom work and exercises. The book also includes fifteen annotated English-Italian dialogues that can easily be adapted to other language pairs.

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