

Living Lexi: A Walk in the Life of a Dyslexic, Elizabeth Mayo, 9781439204931


come take a walk in the life of a dyslexic. have you ever wondered what was the big deal about people seeing “backwards”? dyslexia is so much more than that! come with me inside the life of isabella who will walk you through her challenges and show you how she conquers the fight of dyslexia. isabella is humorous and will tell you just what’s on her mind. sometimes she may even tell you things that she means to just think. are you dyslexic? this books for you. do you know a dyslexic? this books for you. does none of this apply to you? well, read it just because it’s a darn cute book. i know you’ll learn something and i promise you’ll laugh. isabella will have you laughing from the start, and you just may shed a tear for yourself or someone you know.

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