

Maximum GPA in Minimum Time: 79 Quick Tips for Better Grades Starting Today, Gill Chilton, 9781503080560

Author: Gill Chilton


Do you feel like your grades don’t reflect your intelligence level? Are you not getting better grades even with increased effort? Do you think if you could become more organized you’d do better in school? Are you doing pretty well but just want to become a little more competitive for admission requirements at the next level? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then this book is for you. Out of all the books on study skills, why should you choose this one? Because this book was written specifically for people who don’t like studying or feel they don’t have time to study. Other books might contain good tips, but if they take too long to read and put you to sleep then they just aren’t practical. What sets this book apart? First of all, simplicity. The ideas are simple and easy to implement. Second, the ideas are meant to save you time and bring you better results immediately. Finally, you’ll learn the tricks of “smart” people who know how to study smarter instead of harder. If you take an hour or two to read this book, or even just skip to the tips that are most relevant, you’ll be able to get a much better sense of control and confidence about your grades. Let Maximum GPA in Minimum Time help you take charge of your academic future starting today!

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