

Misbehaving Brains: Essays on “Good” Children Who do “Bad” Things in Schools, Katherine Robbins, 9781478740889


Why are some children angry? Why do children fail? What are “challenging behaviors?” What can be done to eliminate school violence? We need not wait for Superman to save the child who falters in school. He exists only as a fantasy in the minds of men. He is powerless. We must turn our attention to the scientist who understands the intricate relationship between brain function and behavior. It is he who is unraveling the mysteries of complicated cellular activities that occur in the brain that produce movement (behavior). He recognizes that these processes account for complex human behaviors. Scientific knowledge empowers him to elucidate reasons that account for student underachievement in schools. It is he who will rescue him. Indeed, he is the true superhero. Make no mistake, it is not the child who does bad things in school; it is his brain that fails him.

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