

Muhammad (PBUH) The Finest Man Who Ever Lived, Ucn Forlag Forskning Og Udvikling, 9788635796178


Muhammad ibn ‘Abdillaah, the seal of the prophets, the finest of the former and latter generations, our master and ideal example; the evidences of his prophethood are numerous and his noble manners and attributes are countless. The best of creation in his childhood, the most purified in his youth, the superior in his maturity, the most righteous throughout his lifetime, the most just of judges, and the bravest on the battlefield. Allaah The Almighty endowed him with every sublime moral and refined manner, purified him from every impurity, guarded him against every slip, taught him good manners, educated him well and endowed him with every noble trait. Thus, no one could be like him in his perfection, nobility, truthfulness, honesty, asceticism, bashfulness and chastity. Such is the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. All those who knew him well acknowledged his nobility, excellent nature, kind-heartedness, gentleness, wisdom, intelligence, firm determination and compassion.

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