

MUHAMMEDI, Kush është Ai?, Abu Salman Deya-Ud-Deen Eberle, 9786038229026


Ky liber eshte nje informacion i permbledhur rreth Biografise dhe Deshmive te Profetit te Islamit. Udhezuesi i Xhepit te Muhamedit eshte nje nga librat me gjitheperfshirese dhe me te permbledhura piktoreske per profetin e Islamit Muhamedin (paqja qofte mbi te). Ai ofron nje biografi te gjere dhe informacion te permbledhur rreth Muhamedit, si karakteri i tij dhe detajet personale. Pervec kesaj, ai ofron nje pasqyre te gjere rreth mesimeve te tij dhe ngjarjeve kryesore ne jeten e tij. Muhammad (Pbuh) Who Is He? This book is summarized information about the Prophet of Islam Biography and Testimonials. Muhammad Pocket Guide is one of the most comprehensive and summarized pictorial books about the prophet of Islam Muhammad (peace be upon him). It provides a broad biography and summarized information about Muhammad such as his character and personal details. In addition, it provides a broad overview about his teachings and main events in his life.

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