

Music for Children and Young People with Complex Needs (Oxford Music Education), Judy Clegg, 9780193223011

Author: Judy Clegg


There are around 40,000 children and young people in the UK alone with severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties, yet despite the widely held belief that music is beneficial, provision is at best patchy. This book aims to foster progress in this young discipline by identifying key issues and providing practical advice for practitioners. Adam Ockelford has worked in the field of special education needs for more than 20 years and is widely respected as a practitioner, researcher, teacher, and writer. In the 1990s he became Music Education Advisor for the RNIB, where from 2005 he was Director of Education. In 2007 he was appointed Professor of Music at Roehampton University, after working as a part-time research fellow at the Institute of Education, London. In May 2007 his book In the Key of Genius: The Extraordinary Life of Derek Paravicini was published by Hutchinson.

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