

New Ways to Teach and Learn in China and Finland: Crossing Boundaries with Technology, Bekir Ince, 9783631676424

Author: Bekir Ince


This publication will introduce how two different countries promote high quality learning with technology in very different educational systems. The book opens inspiring scenarios how new technological tools and services can be used for promoting students’ learning in schools and higher education, enhancing collaboration in educational communities and supporting teachers’ professional development. The publication focuses on three major themes: Students as knowledge and art creators in playful learning systems, personalized learning supported by mobiles and intelligent tutoring systems with games and new web-based tools identifying learning difficulties, and technology in digitalized learning environments. The book is based on systematic research work in universities. Hannele Niemi is Professor of Education at the University of Helsinki. She was the Vice-Rector responsible for academic affairs at the University of Helsinki. She has published in several languages on Finnish education and teacher education, and on educational technology. Jiyou Jia is Professor at the Department of Educational Technology, Graduate School of Education, and Director of the International Research Center for Education and Information at Peking University, China. He published in international and national journals, authored or edited professional books in Chinese, English, and German.

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