

PASSION Toolset: for Initiative Fatigue. Permanently shifting mental blocks of coaches leaders and learning students, Christine Lavoie-Gagnon, 9781999353100


The PASSION acronym toolset I have designed acts as a daily guide or even a diagnostic tool such as one you might find on a car dashboard. Once you have set your initial goal/ result required and understand the meaning of each letter, then as daily life occurs, you can refer back to the toolset so as to quickly diagnose where you may have an emotional or mental block to a situation. What the Toolset provides: -a new way to measure and set goals (personal accountability) -a new daily lens for understanding how we experience the world -giving you themes to calibrate with -a feeling context, freedom within a frame -you just need the ideas you don’t need the answers The main tenet of Stoicism running through the book is about increasing our: perception/ action/ willpower. Once you have read my definitions of the PASSION tools at the beginning of each chapter, you will begin to see these themes emerging. For example, we have a choice over how we choose to interpret every situation. That there is a big emphasis on just moving forward with small actions. And when things are out of our control, it sometimes takes pure willpower to make the best of it, maybe even something beyond willpower. You could put this down to high performance habits, wisdom or even the more recently over-used word of resilience. More recently I have listened to Robert Greene, the mentor of Ryan Holiday. The two pinnacle ideas he was discussing were: 1/ It’s all about being receptive to the negative things – these hold the greatest learnings for us. 2/ Character is our biggest asset and you cannot hide yours, but you can work on it and the patterns as Robert says that are hidden. I would like you to use PASSION to become more aware of YOUR character and decide what are the patterns you want to be responsible for. After you have finished the book, I would love to know what it might have added to your process of navigating life, how you perform and your fulfilment from doing so. At the beginning of each chapter I will give a short explanation of what that particular letter in PASSION stands for. I then use a series of my stories and other people’s quotes which give insight into well-lived, relatable experiences in connection to that particular Driver. But unlike a joke which is more about what occurred, quotes are more focused on how successful people have moved past situations. After each quote, I give my take on the quote and what I think it means. Everything we say, do, think, resonates on a certain frequency and as people we don’t understand something until we feel it. Therefore the reason I have written PASSION using these carefully selected quotes is to use very powerful, high frequency messages that highlight the importance of each Driver of PASSION. But mostly because these people say it so well. There is no I’ve got there, so I’m writing a book. I think all non-fiction authors are just progressing on to the next level, of which there are endless steps to summit if you choose to. This attitude could be very useful if used in the context of mental health – people are not just depressed or not depressed, there are always gradients. In fact I see learning as spherical and not linear. Final piece of the toolset is setting a goal. I ask you to tune into your radio frequency of Channel WBB: -WHO – what excites you? -BEHAVIOUR – daily actioning a higher performing behaviour -BELIEF – minimising any limiting belief using the PASSION chapters to calibrate against when coming across any blockages to your set goal. With notes lines on every page, I encourage you to continue your growth. Plus use an opportunity for me to come do a “Fireside Chat” at your company, where I quote from my book & how I use it to calibrate life.

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