

Performance Leadership: inspiring growth in others, Yingcai Xu, 9781087887463

Author: Yingcai Xu


Every leader is responsible for coaching and motivating others toward confidence and the development of new skill sets. Yet, many leaders lack the ability to do this well. Here is your answer – Performance Leadership – Inspiring Growth in Others. This book will provide you with the knowledge and skills to develop trusting relationships to help others learn and increase productivity at work. You will discover how to assess a person’s ability through the lens of the four Growth Phases: Consideration, Practice, Self-Sufficient, and Excel. In addition, you will learn to put into practice the seven Leadership Engagement Skills: ask, listen, instruct, show, observe, praise, and encourage to inspire others in their learning journey. Websites: Todd Long is President of Leadership Innovations; a business he started in 2010 to inspire people to be more confident and mindful leaders. He…Believes in the power of collaboration.Inspires with a steady confidence.Holds tightly to his faith and virtues.He has served tens of thousands of people around the world over the past 25 years, building confident leaders and healthy teams. He utilizes interactive learning that challenges people to think deeper and grow as leaders.Todd is a leadership adviser, facilitator, speaker, author, and coach. He is a husband, father of five, piano player, ukulele enthusiast, song writer, motorcyclist, and faith builder.

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