

Perspectives and Reflections for the Superintendent: What Can Be Learned from Experience?, Morgan, John, 9781475862751

Author: Morgan, John


Perspectives and Reflections for the Superintendent: What Can Be Learned from Experience? focuses on the many challenges and opportunities facing school district superintendents and other school leaders on a regular basis. It cites numerous, actual events which are described and explained regarding best practices. The chapters emphasize the importance of experience and preparation, and provide examples, experiences, scenarios, takeaways, tools, and more with respect to the superintendent and the aspiring superintendent. Additionally, tips on establishing and maintaining a positive relationship with the school board are givena relationship which is paramount for the superintendent and the school district to be successful. Perhaps one of the more important observations conveyed in the text is the need for the school board, the staff, and everyone interested in the schooling process to work together. Without collaboration among all parties concerned, stagnation will fester, and nothing worthwhile will be accomplished. Other topics presented include conflict resolution, ethics, high-performing teams, lessons learned, and ways to cultivate positive community relations. This book is practical for the seated superintendent and essential for the aspiring superintendent.

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