

PERSPECTIVES OF EARLY CHILDHOOD PSYCHOLOGY Volume 7.1, Cassidy Syftestad, 9781935625728


This issue includes manuscripts focused on social, emotional, and behavioral interventions that can be implemented with young children. Specifically, psychologists, early childhood teachers, special education teachers, and school counselors can gain knowledge from the meticulously selected topics covered in this issue on social, emotional, and behavioral (SEB) interventions and early childhood. The manuscripts in this issue cover the topics of SEB universal screeners, bullying prevention, the teaching interaction procedure, and addressing challenging behavior.The journal welcomes submissions of manuscripts for general issues that focus on early childhood assessment, intervention, and prevention. Also, authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts for possible special articles, including manuscripts on the topics of early childhood neurodiversity and of play therapy from an assessment, parent empowerment or new developments in the field perspective. Experienced researchers in the fields of education and psychology are welcome to submit proposals to serve as guest editors for special sections of the journal. In the coming months we will have announcements regarding applying to join the expanding editorial board, additional ways for early career and graduate students to become involved with the journal, and a journal mission that more clearly centers equity, inclusion, diversity, and justice.

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