

Persuasion: CEFR level B2 (ELT Graded Reader), Zegarelli, Mark, 9781914600036


Improve your English without any extra studying with books by Read Stories – Learn English. More than seven years had passed since the end of their relationship and time had, to a certain extent, healed Anne. But she led a quiet life and she had never met anyone who could possibly compare to Frederick Wentworth. Anne Elliot and navy officer Captain Wentworth met many years ago and fell deeply in love. Although he was handsome, he was also poor, and a friend persuaded Anne not to marry him. What happens when they meet again? Can their love story have a happy ending after all? This book:is a moving story about missed opportunities and second chances is adapted for learners of English from the classic story by one of our most loved authors uses grammar and vocabulary for learners at CEFR level B2 (Upper Intermediate level) has definitions of difficult words Books at this level have a word count of 22,000-26,000 words and 2,500 headwords. You will find language-learning exercises for this book on our website. Esta novela epistolar, escrita probablemente en 1794, narra los planes de la protagonista, la recientemente viuda lady Susan, para encontrar un nuevo marido, a la vez que intenta casar a su hija de diecisis aos. Austen se sirve de este gnero para construir una obra en donde las distintas cartas se engarzan como piezas de un rompecabezas hasta completar ante los ojos del lector una historia de pequeas intrigas. La obra subvierte todas las normas de la novela romntica: lady Susan tiene un papel activo; no slo es hermosa, sino tambin inteligente e ingeniosa, y sus pretendientes son significativamente ms jvenes que ella. Hay escritores que nos gustan, escritores a los que admiramos y escritores a los que quisimos desde el primer prrafo del primer libro suyo que nos tuvo entre sus manos. Escritores entraables cuyas historias se vuelven parte de las nuestras. Jane Austen es una de ellos.

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