

Re-Scripting Islam: Reporting on Muslims and Their Faith, Hersholt C. Waxman, 9780253032553


Rosemary Pennington has been involved with Indiana University’s Voices and Visions project since 2008, serving as project coordinator, podcast producer, and managing editor. She is Assistant Professor of Journalism at Miami University. Hilary E. Kahn is Director of the Voices and Visions Project, Assistant Dean for International Education and Global Initiatives, and Director of the Center for the Study of Global Change in the School of Global and International Studies at Indiana University. She is author of Seeing and Being Seen: The Q’eqchi’ Maya of Guatemala and Beyond and editor of Framing the Global: Entry Points for Research. Acknowledgments Essays Prologue: The Vision Behind Muslim Voices / Hilary Kahn Chapter 1. Reflecting on Muslim Voices / Rosemary Pennington Chapter 2. Shattering the Muslim Monolith / Arsalan Iftikhar Chapter 3. So Near, Yet So Far: An Academic Reflection on the Endurance of American Islamophobia / Peter Gottschalk Chapter 4. Life as a Muslim in the Media / Zarqa Nawaz Chapter 5. The Prisons of Paradigm / Rafia Zakaria Chapter 6. Unveiling Obsessions: Muslims and the Trap of Representation / Nabil Echchaibi Chapter 7. How Does the British Press Represent British Muslims? Frameworks of Reporting in the UK Context / Elizabeth Poole Chapter 8. How to Write about Muslims / Sobia Ali-Faisal and Krista Riley Chapter 9. A Journalist Reflects on Covering Muslim Communities / Robert King Chapter 10. Muslims in the Media: Challenges and Rewards of Reporting on Muslims / Ammina Kothari Chapter 11. New Media and Muslim Voices / Rosemary Pennington Muslim Voices Voice 1. Faiz Rahman: Understanding Will Take Time Voice 2. Sohaib Sultan: What Muslims Believe Voice 3. Heather Akou: The Veil Voice 4. Sheida Riahi: Arabic and Persian Calligraphy Voice 5. Zaineb Istrabadi: The Sufi Voice 6. Uzma Mirza: The Role of Women in Islam Voice 7. Andre Carson: Life as a Muslim Politician Voice 8. Sarah Thompson: Women in Islam, Converting Voice 9. Daayiee Abdullah: Being Out and Being Muslim Voice 10. Aziz Alquraini: Mosques-Houses of Prayer, Hearts of Communities Crash Course in Islam Crash Course 1. The Five Pillars of Islam Crash Course 2. The Six Articles of Faith Crash Course 3. The Profession of Faith Crash Course 4. Do Muslims Worship Muhammad? Crash Course 5. The Will of Allah Crash Course 6. What Is Jihad? Crash Course 7. What Is the Meaning of the Word “Islam”? Crash Course 8. What Is a Fatwa? Crash Course 9. The Qur’an: Just a Book? Crash Course 10. Ishmael and Islam Crash Course 11. Do Muslims Believe in Jesus? Crash Course 12. The Crescent Moon and Islam Crash Course 13. Muslim Prayer: How Do Muslims Pray? Crash Course 14. Are Non-Muslims Allowed to Go to Mosque? Crash Course 15. The Muslim Greeting Index

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