

Rise of the New Professional – Meri Har-Gil Edition: The School of Online Business 101 Course Book, Ph D Abd Jennifer Arzberger, 9781938608070


Meri Har-Gil introduces the exciting and lucrative landscape of the New Economy in this course book for the School of Online Business. It’s time to leave boring, unfulfilling careers behind. There is no excuse for people to work jobs they hate when the New Economy makes a passion-filled career possible. Speaking from over 25 years of experience as a successful entrepreneur, Meri Har-Gil’s journey started when she was just a 14-year-old girl living with her big family in rural Israel. A series of courageous choices changed not only the direction of her life but who she became as a person, and she shares the key points of her transformative journey and how they apply to all small business hopefuls struggling to find their value in a rapidly changing marketplace. With her passion for lifelong learning and fearless attitude toward change, Har-Gil shares how she grappled with and capitalized on the eye-opening possibilities of the New Economy. Co-author Mike Klingler explains how the Internet has given rise to a refreshing new style of business professional and how the life-changing opportunity is open to individuals of all stripes, even technophobes.

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