

Safe, Seen, and Stretched in the Classroom: The Remarkable Ways Teachers Shape Students’ Lives, Bridget Knight, 9780367634643


Everyone remembers their favorite teacher, but why? What makes some teachers so memorable? Julie Schmidt Hasson spent a year interviewing people about teachers who’ve shaped their lives, and the result is this captivating book. She shares stories that are both inspirational, highlighting the ways a teacher’s actions can make a lasting impact, and also informational, providing models to help teachers make a more consistent impact on the students they serve. Chapters cover topics such as commitment, vulnerability, power, connection, expectations, community, identity, and equity, while underscoring the importance of making students feel safe, seen, and stretched. In each chapter, the author brings you along as she conducts interviews and hears emotional stories. She also offers practical takeaways and applications for educators of all levels of experience. With this uplifting book, you will be reminded that your seemingly ordinary interactions in the classroom have extraordinary implications, and that you indeed have the power to influence students’ lives – each and every day.

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