

Secure Our Ship! Fuel America Now!, Emilio del Valle Escalante, 9780991212309


The insufferable economic future being forced on Americans under the pretense of deterring global warming by reducing current and future carbon emissions is nothing short of traitorous actions by self-serving activists and politicians. That being said, it is true Americans cannot continue to standby and ignore the mounting signs Earth is undergoing a cycle of climate change in the form of global warming. Americans need to listen to scientists and trust they are correct with their hypothesis that atmospheric carbon levels function as Earth’s thermostat. Most importantly, Americans need to realize current levels of atmospheric carbon are greater than at any time in at least 800,000 years. The fact is, since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, humans in an effort to create a better life, have accelerated carbon emissions into Earth’s atmosphere to the point which cannot be offset by Nature’s recycling of atmospheric carbon back into the Earth. Traitorous is a strong word for what is being done to America’s economy but you be the judge. America’s leaders are well aware current atmospheric carbon levels are more than high enough to alter Earth’s climate to the point that sustaining human life will be difficult at best. Still America’s elected leaders continue to propagandize reducing current and future carbon emissions as the cure for global warming. What other word would you use to describe what is being done to America’s economy? Unfortunately, American voters only know what self-serving environmentalists, energy lobbyists, news media and politicians want American voters to know. The author of this book has spent more than the 10 years of his life studying America’s energy options including the corresponding environmental and economic consequences of each option. If global climate change is to be controlled: America must use its fossil fuel resources to provide inexpensive, stable, secure energy to build an American economy which can fund the technology essential to combat global climate change. No other country has the resources and capability to do what Americans can and must do to make the World a better place to live. Once you read the book, you will realize it is time for Americans to put aside personal biases and political preferences; uniting in a common effort to secure America’s future and insure the future of all mankind.

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