

Sensory Stories for Children and Teens with Special Educational Needs: A Practical Guide, Nicky Armstrong, 9781849054843


Introduction. What is a Sensory Story? How I discovered Sensory Stories. About this Book. Part I: Background. 1. The importance of sensory stimulation. Sensory stimulation and children with physical or sensory impairments. Our senses – the famous five, plus two. What makes for strong sensory stimuli? 2. The Significance of Narrative. Why combine sensory stimulation and storytelling? What can you say in ten sentences? Part 2: Sharing Sensory Stories with Individuals. 3. How to share a sensory story. Maintaining consistency when telling sensory stories. Tips for consistent sharing of sensory stories. 4. PMLD, labelling and the role sensory stories have to play in inclusion. Sharing sensory stories with individuals with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD). Confidence in the world. 5. Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). Sensory processing disorder and sensory stories. Sensory stories as a way of introducing and becoming accustomed to stimuli. Sensory stories as a way to rehearse responses to stimuli. Sensory stories’ role in addressing eating difficulties. 6. Sensory stories and… . …individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). …individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). …individuals with sensory impairments. …individuals with communication difficulties. …individuals with memory difficulties. …individuals with physical impairments. …individuals with mental health difficulties. 7. Supporting learning and development. Understanding vocabulary. Concentration, learning and memory. Inspiring interaction. Part 3: Using Sensory Stories to Form the Bases of Group Sessions. 8. Structuring sessions to challenge and include a range of learners. Bookending. Building. Calming. Preparing. Reinforcing memories. Tasks to challenge higher ability learners. Part 4: Assessment. 9. Why Asses? Because it is part of your role. Because it can help you reflect on what you are doing. To celebrate individuals’ achievements. To justify the use of sensory stories. 10. Assessment method suggestions. a) P level questions. b) Getting to know you questions. c) Reactions. d) Target behaviour. e) Multiple targets. f) Responses to different stories. g) Responses to particular senses. Part 5: The Sensory Stoies and Associated Resources. 11. About the Sensory Stories and Associated Resources. The Selkie Wife. The Story. About the Story. Resourcing the Stimuli. Facilitating the Stimuli. Exploration Activities. Creative Activities. Discovery Activities. Six Lesson Plans for The Selkie Wife Story. Lesson One: Hiding and Finding. Lesson Two: Different Movements. Lesson Three: Mini Sequences. Lesson Four: Story Sequence Development. Lesson Five: Evaluating and Improving. Lesson Six: Rehearsal and Performance. Seasoned with Spice. The Story. About the Story. Resourcing the Stimuli. Facilitating the Stimuli. Exploration Activities. Creative Activities. Discovery Activities. Six Lesson Plans for Seasoned with Spice Story. Lesson One: Planting Herbs and Spices. Lesson Two: Stir Fry Vegetables. Lesson Three: Fruit Smoothies. Lesson Four: Face Plates. Lesson Five: Herby Sandwich. Lesson Six: Fudge Frolics.Two People Made Me. The Story. About the Story. Resourcing the Stimuli. Facilitating the Stimuli. Exploration Activities. Creative Activities. Discovery Activities. Six Lesson Plans for Two People Made Me Story. Lesson One: Where Do Babies Grow? Lesson Two: How Do Babies Grow? Lesson Three: How Does a Baby Get Food? Lesson Four: What Body Parts Does a Baby Have? Lesson Five: Does a Baby Have the Same Things Inside it as we do? Lesson Six: What Happens Next? To the Centre of the Earth! The Story. About the Story. Resourcing the Stimuli. Facilitating the Stimuli. Exploration Activities. Creative Activities. Discovery Activities. Six Lesson Plans for To the Centre of the Earth! Story. Lesson One: Lesson Two: Water Experiment. Lesson Three: Describing Materials. Lesson Four: Student Choice. Lesson Five: Temperature. Lesson Six: Magnetism. The Forest of Thorns. The Story. About the Story. Resourcing the Stimuli. Facilitating the Stimuli. Exploration Activities. Creative Activities. Discovery Activities. Six Lesson Plans for The Forest of Thorns Story. Lesson One: Exploring the Story. Lesson Two: Recognising the Retelling. Lesson Three: What if? Lesson Four: Dreams. Lesson Five: Read, Recite and Act. Lesson Six: My Favourite Part. References. Index.

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