

Sentinel Chameleon: A Concept of Operations for Employment of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Persistent Information Operations in 2030, Hmh Hmh, 9781249594901


Sentinel Chameleon: A Concept of Operations for Employment of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Persistent Information Operations in 2030 The year is 2031. Coalition Forces are conducting Foreign Internal Defense and stabilization operations at the request of a terrorist-plagued nation in North-East Africa. There have been credible threats of a Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) attack using conventional delivery methods; most likely in the form of a dirty bomb. There is no indication that the host country has an organic WMD capability. A Sentinel Chameleon (SENCHEON) constellation has been operating over a designated area for 37 hours where the coast and the borders of a neighboring country, known to deal in WMD materials, can be closely monitored. The Master Planning Tasking Command and Control Mission Lead (MPTC2ML) is a Marine Corps Joint Forces Commander established by Africa Command (AFRICOM) and has set up headquarters in the troubled country. The MPTC2 center is located in the Coalition Air Operations Center. The Combined Forces Maritime Component Commander (CFMCC), comprised of US Navy combatants from Commander FIFTH Fleet (C5F), has been conducting Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIO) from the straight of Babel Mandeb to the Northern Kenyan coast. Although piracy interdiction has been successful, the Navy’s Visit Board Search and Seizure (VBSS) of suspect vessels has not yielded indications of Chemical Biological Radiological or Nuclear (CBRN) materials. The Combined Forces Land Component Commander (CFLCC) is providing support to boarder control authorities, but for the most part this responsibility has fallen to the host nation. WMD proliferation is growing and the threat to the FID operation is imminent. So, what kind of Unmanned Aerial System is SENCHEON? How is it different from any other? What can it do to help eliminate the threat?

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