

Study Smart in Senior High: No Genius Required, Steve Douglas, 9781495489570


This book is about how to study smart in the final years of high school. Its main idea is simple – how to get maximum results for minimum effort. There is so much rubbish written about study. It seems to involve being chained at a desk and sacrificing your life and being a hermit. But that’s all wrong. This book busts the study myths and explains how simple study actually is. It shows how to stop wasting time on pointless study and how to get the best out of yourself. Most students know they have to study, but don’t know what to actually do. Teachers think students know what study is and how to do it, so don’t always teach how to study. This book fills the gap. Not only that, it gives tips on how to spend less time studying and achieving better results. ‘Study SMART in Senior High’ busts all the myths about study and tells students smart ways to work the school system, to get the best ratio of effort to results, and to enjoy life at the same time. If you’re a student in the final years of high school, you must read this book. You can’t afford not to get the inside information and the tips and tricks that will get you above the crowd and into the course or job you want. Written by a senior high teacher with 20 years’ experience, this short how-to book is like a friendly and wise chat with your own personal study coach. Just reading it will change the way you think and feel about study. Unchain yourself from that study desk. You don’t need luck; you don’t need genius – you just need this book.

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